@article{oai:nara-edu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010323, author = {中村, 尚子 and 玉村, 公二彦 and 越野, 和之}, issue = {1}, journal = {奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学}, month = {Nov}, note = {In this paper, we examined the film "love and power", which included the image documents of the Tokyo Metropolitan Komei Special School in 1967, in relation to the postwar development of education for children with physical disabilities. We showed the details of the visual image and the narration and analyzed the contents from the film. The Komei Special School has played a role as a pioneer in education for children with physical disabilities since 1932. In the 1960s, the school education for the students with physical disabilities had required quantitative expansion and educational contents of special schools. The documentary film "love and power" was produced by Shou Watanabe in such era. The image and narration of the film could be roughly divided into two. One was the documents focusing on the Komei Special School. The contents showed the way of features and educational practice, which should be provided in special schools as the achievements of the education for students with physical disabilities at the time. Another is the actual condition of children who were excluded from school education and their families. It showed the challenge of education for children with severely disabilities, especially agenda of human and education rights of those children faced in the late 1960s.}, pages = {55--68}, title = {戦後肢体不自由児教育の発展過程と都立光明養護学校─映画「愛と力」(1967年)の分析を中心に─}, volume = {64}, year = {2015} }