@article{oai:nara-edu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012928, author = {小柳, 和喜雄}, issue = {1}, journal = {奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学}, month = {Nov}, note = {In this paper, we are trying to think about the way that teachers who work in an environment beyond existing organizations, such as elementary and junior high school education, participate in the effort with awareness of the parties, clarify what they need to bear, and confidently think what they need to think about in order to work on practice. I first tried to find ideas and key concepts that could be effective while also exploring the research trends of doctoral thesis for teachers and teacher education in Japan. Next, I focused my attention on research on "Learning Organization", "Distributed leadership", "Professional Learning Community" to ask questions about relationship between individuals and organizations for educational reform and school improvement. Teacher Leadership "which is frequently taken up in connection with them has revealed that there is a possibility of having a meaning in responding to the above research interests. Finally, I overviewed how research on "Teacher Leadership" is progressing, and clarified the possibility that they can answer the troubles of faculty who are working on the elementary and junior high school education. And I have made clear what I have to think about in order to realize it.}, pages = {111--121}, title = {Teacher Leadershipの概念と可能性に関する基礎研究 ─小中一貫教育実践校の教員の教職アイデンティティに関する研究(2)─}, volume = {66}, year = {2017} }