@article{oai:nara-edu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013218, author = {竹内, 晋平}, issue = {1}, journal = {奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学}, month = {Nov}, note = {In March 2018, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) published new curriculum guidelines for high schools. These revisions stem from demands for greater clarification with regard to the qualities and capabilities that should be developed through learning activity. Notably, these amendments set the creation of “common items” for teaching in music, arts, craft, and calligraphy in high school art departments. This paper aims to identify the ideal instructional guidance using these common items that should be developed so students can be accorded a realistic understanding of modeling elements. The research methodology employed for the study includes an overview of prior research relating to instructions in junior high school art using common items. A review of extant literature helps to explore various scholarly perspectives and to ascertain the current state of teaching methods appropriate for high school art classes. A comparative view is also obtained by referring to the art modules previously published in 2017 for junior high schools. Specifically, in an attempt to study five items related to the modeling elements of which students should ideally have a realistic understanding, the folding screen artwork “Pine Trees (Shorin-zu Byobu)” by early modern Japanese artist Tohaku Hasegawa was indicated as an example of an artwork that should be viewed by students.}, pages = {137--142}, title = {高等学校芸術科(美術)の鑑賞題材における〔共通事項〕を位置づけた指導に関する検討 ─ 造形の要素などを実感的に理解するための課題設定に着目して─}, volume = {67}, year = {2018} }