@article{oai:nara-edu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013277, author = {吉村, 雅仁 and ハンコック, アンディ}, issue = {5}, journal = {次世代教員養成センター研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper describes the recent trends in language education in Scotland, which remain distinct from that of England but comparable to the European Union (EU). It also examines Scotland's Professional Standards for teachers along with National Framework for Languages that specifically depicts the professional qualities and competencies for language teachers. Based on observations of Scottish policies and teacher education, we describe the importance of these developments that have both intra- and inter-national or European/global significance. It is proposed that any discussion on language education policy and teachers' professional standards should include even in Japan both local and global linguistic and cultural diversity of the society as a valuable resource.}, pages = {141--150}, title = {スコットランドにおける言語教育と教員に求められる資質能力 ― 教員としての専門職基準と言語のための枠組みを中心に ―}, year = {2019} }