@article{oai:nara-edu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013663, author = {出口, 拓彦}, journal = {ESD・SDGsセンター研究紀要, Bulletin of Center for ESD and SDGs}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study compared the attitudes of schoolteachers and studentsʼ guardians toward school education in Cambodia, Japan, and the US. Questionnaires and web surveys comprised items measuring their attitudes toward teachers and the aim of school education and reported household incomes. Surveys were conducted among 456 elementary or junior high schoolteachers and 429 guardians in the three countries. A cluster analysis revealed five kinds of attitudes toward teachers, including “cooperation” and “classroom management.” “Cooperation” indicated “to encourage children to mutually cooperate while learning,” and it was shared by American and Cambodian teachers and guardians. Regarding Japan, several teachers and guardians had the attitude of “classroom management,” which valued “to guide children so that they can get along well with one another.” For the attitudes toward the aim of school education, “interpersonal aim” was valued by Japanese and Americans, and “academic aim” was emphasized by Americans and Cambodians. Moreover, some differences were observed due to household incomes in Cambodia; as guardiansʼ household income was lower, they did not emphasize the “interpersonal aim.” To prevent social problems such as bullying (Maeda, & Voy, 2013, 2014), it is important to also focus on “classroom management” attitude and “interpersonal aim” in Cambodian teacher training.}, pages = {1--9}, title = {Attitudes of Cambodian Teachers and Studentsʼ Guardians toward School Education: Cambodia–Japan–US Comparison}, volume = {1}, year = {2023} }