@article{oai:nara-edu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000062, author = {西城,黎一 and 高橋,豪仁}, issue = {1}, journal = {奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学, Bulletin of Nara University of Education. Cultural and Social Science}, month = {Nov}, note = {The purpose of this study is to clarify "the existence of intentional misjudgment" and "the actual situation of manipulative judgment and the situations in which they can occur" in handball competition by conducting an interview survey and a questionnaire survey of referees certified by the Japan Handball Association. In this study, "intentional misjudgment" was defined as a judgment caused by the referee who doesn’t intentionally take a foul even though the referee recognizes the foul. “Manipulative judgement” has two types: type A is a judgment that the referee does not intentionally take a foul even though he / she admits the foul act, or a judgment that the referee lightens the penalties for the foul act; type B is a judgement that the referee intentionally calls a foul despite the fact that he / she admits no foul, or the referee increases the penalty for the foul. In order to clarify the existence of intentional misjudgment, an interview survey was conducted with three persons who have A-class or B-class referee qualifications officially recognized by the association. In order to clarify the occurrence of manipulative judgement, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 66 people who had he A, B, C, or D grades of the referee qualifications. The following findings were obtained: (1)There are "intended misjudgments" in handball games, and they are used for the purpose of invalidating and reducing the weight of penalties. (2) Manipulative judgment (type A) was confirmed by nearly 70% of the subjects, and they adjusted the adaptation of the rules depending on the situation. It was suggested that the background of such judgment is the idea of "modern handball" that has been advocated in recent years. (3)Manipulative judgment (type B) was confirmed by about 20% of the subjects, suggesting that they are intended to prevent serious accidents and injury to players during the game.}, pages = {53--64}, title = {ハンドボールにおける審判員の判定に関する研究─操作的判定に着目して─}, volume = {72}, year = {2023} }