@article{oai:nara-edu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008555, author = {上田, 敏見}, issue = {1}, journal = {奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学}, month = {Feb}, note = {There have been not a few investigations concerned, from the standpoint of developmental trends, with subjective reasons by which children select their best friends, but only a few of them dealt the data with statistical rigor. The present study represents an attempt to explore and clarify rigorously the developmental trends observed in pupils' subjective reasons with special reference to the similarity factor, external propinquity factor, and utility factor, in general sample and in mutual pairs. Subjects were 2nd-, 4th-, 6th-, and 8th-grade pupils, 310 boys and 306 girls in all. Sociometric test was given to them with the criterion of "best friends" and three limited choices. Chi-square tests were conducted to evaluate the developmental trends. An analysis and comparison of the data revealed the following findings. (1) Similarity factor (④) increased, as predicted, with an increase of the grade level in elementary school children, and external propinquity factor (①) in grade 6 and grade 8 decreased significantly from that of the grade 4. Utility factor (②) steadily and significantly decreased as the grade level increased. No significant changes were found between grade 6 and grade 8, but the developmental trends fell in the predicted direction (Table 1). (2) Degree of agreement of the reasons presented by the mutual pairs was found to vary, as the grade level increased. The agreement ratio (??) increased significantly from grade 2 to grade 4, and also, from grade 4 to grade 8, as was predicted, both in boys (Table3) and in girls (Table4). Increase from grade 4 to grade 6 just failed to reach the level of statistical significance, but, as a whole, it may safely be said that the developmental changes were in the predicted direction (Table 2).}, pages = {227--242}, title = {学級における社会的受容に関する発達心理学的研究(Ⅳ) ―対人結合要因に関する発達的分析―}, volume = {17}, year = {1969} }